Frequently Asked Questions

What is the profile of an Emet student?

We are looking for intellectually curious and academically capable students with the character, drive, and spirit to learn in a culture of ideas. Emet welcomes families of any background and aims to prepare our students for lives of Jewish purpose and civic leadership.


Which grades are offered?

Emet is accepting applications for the 2025-26 school year for grades 5-10.  We are adding an additional grade each subsequent year as we become a full middle school and high school serving 5th to 12th grade by 2028.


How many students per class?

Our school is small by design—accepting a maximum of 40 students per grade. Most classes will be taught in seminar format, with no more than 12 students per section. We will also offer numerous Oxford-style tutorials, allowing high-level teacher-student collaboration and grouping students together in small groups based on academic interests and level.


Where is the school located?

The school is located on the Upper East Side of Manhattan


My son or daughter has no or very limited background in Judaic studies or Hebrew. Is Emet right for us?

Yes. Our academic program is designed to develop students of any background, tailoring each student’s course of study to his or her entry-level of knowledge and ability. We eagerly welcome students from public schools and secular private schools.


Does Emet observe the Jewish calendar and dietary laws?

Yes. Emet adheres to traditional Jewish values, the Jewish observance calendar, and Orthodox standards of Kashrut.


What about extracurricular activities?

Every student is expected to participate in high-level extracurricular activities in his or her areas of interest—including sports, music, debate, art, and academic competitions in various fields. Every student will have a dedicated advisor to coordinate, facilitate, and encourage extracurricular excellence.


What type of guidance counseling and academic support do you provide?

Each student will have a personal academic advisor, who will work with him or her to design the appropriate course of study and identify mentors that allow them to pursue excellence in any field of endeavor. We have partnerships with major think tanks, research centers, and cultural institutions, offering our upperclassmen internships in areas like science, public policy, journalism, law, medicine, and business.


Do you offer field trips?

Our program will integrate learning trips to the great cultural, political, and economic centers of Western civilization—including Jerusalem, Athens, and Rome. We will also have regular field trips to the major cultural institutions in New York City, Philadelphia, and Washington DC.


Are there opportunities for parental involvement?

Yes. We celebrate the central role of parents as the primary educators in their children’s lives. We see mothers and fathers as our pedagogical partners, and we will always be transparent about the Emet curriculum, cultural expectations, school policies, and faculty hiring.


What is Unique about Classical Education?

Classical education immerses young scholars in the greatest works of the Western mind and spirit. Our method of instruction focuses on the mastery of grammar, logic, and rhetoric as the foundation of serious thinking, the exploration of great works of art as the basis of creativity, the command of multiple languages as the gateway to culture, and the memorization of poetry and song. Our aim is to prepare our students for lives of liberty and purpose—including the ability to pursue truth, appreciate beauty, and live virtuously. Students educated in the classical tradition can easily learn modern areas of knowledge (like STEM) and practical fields (like law, medicine, and finance). Yet our ultimate purpose is to teach Emet students to live well as human beings, citizens, and Jews in the modern age.


Now accepting applications for 2025-2026 school year.